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About FAQ's
About FAQ's
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General FAQ's
How long has RUP been in operation?
Who is the owner or founder of Rainbow Universe Pageants?
Are there any jobs available?
What is the Brainy Gals & Guys membership all about?
What makes RUP different from any other typical beauty pageant?
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Contestants FAQ's
What if I win a title but I don't abide by my contract. What happens then?
How long has RUP been in operation?
What are the requirements to becoming a contestant?
How do I register as a contestant to compete in a pageant?
What kinds of things can cause a contestant to be disqualified?
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Title Winners FAQ's
What happens if I violate or am in breach of my contract some time during the year I am a reigning Queen, King, Prince or Princess?
What kind of things can cause a title winner to lose his or her crown?
How long does a title winner reign as Queen, King, Prince or Princess?
What happens if I win a title? What do I have to do?
Director FAQ's
How do I become a Director?
Can I do a National pageant if I am a Director?
How do I obtain contestants as a Director?
Is there a fee involved in becoming a Director?
Do I have to be an Independent Contractor or can I apply to be an employee
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Superhero FAQ's
How do I get involved in being a superhero or volunteer?
I noticed you have a membership for superheroes called Brainy Pals. What is this membership about and do I have to pay a fee to join?
Can I be a regular volunteer and just register for upcoming productions or events or do I have to register and apply each time you have a production?
What kind of perks and recognition to you provide for your superheroes?
What if I can’t follow through on an event I registered to volunteer at, who do I contact to cancel?
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Sponsors FAQ's
How does sponsorship work and where do I sign up?
What are the fees involved in sponsorship?
Do I have to be a major business owner with a popular brand to become a sponsor?
How many contestants can I sponsor at once?
What are the benefits or perks involved in being a sponsor?
Vendor FAQ's
What are my options for becoming a vendor
Do I have to pay up front or can I wait for the actual production to make my payment?
I would like to join the Vendors Club through BAB. What do I need to get started as a member
Can I sell my merchandise at the pageant where I am a vendor?
Are there any guarantees that I will obtain new clients if I become a vendor for an RUP pageant
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Is there a monetary incentive when I sign up to be a BAB member?
Do I have to remain a BAB member for an entire year or can I cancel my membership if I choose to anytime throughout the year?
As a BAB member am I allowed to give RUP suggestions for business if I happen to come across an idea that I might think will work for the mission?
Do BAB members have the opportunity to apply for paid employment or volunteer work with RUP?
What is the difference between being a BAB member and a regular Brand Ambassador?
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Franchise FAQ
Do I have to sign a contract to become a franchisee and if so for how long?
What kind of training is involved in becoming a franchisee?
How long does the franchise process generally take?
Am I responsible for hiring my own employees and if so what are the main staff members that I will need to keep operations flowing?
If I obtain my own sponsors does the money come directly to me?
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Pageant FAQ's
What is the cost for each level of pageant participation?
How much time do I have to get my sponsor fees paid?
Why do you allow boys to compete as pageant contestants?
Do you have a swimsuit competition?
What happens if my child registers as a contestant but cannot compete?
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