Any contestant that wishes to compete in any of our pageants must pay a required sponsor-based fee to register. Our contestants do not have to pay out of pocket to compete in one of our pageants. All contestants must build relationships with businesses and business owners in their area or neighborhood or wherever they choose to go to discuss sponsorship. Sponsorship from businesses is just an effort to support youth competing for a title and possible scholarship that could further their education or career goals. In addition, it will help contestants build their self-esteem when they approach strangers and ask for sponsors, which is the main mission of our pageant system: Increased Self-Esteem. Sponsors receive incentives from RUP in return for their support of our contestants. The following is the level of participation and the fee involved in that participation:

Online Monthly Mini Pageants - $50

Online Pageants - $100

Preliminary Pageants - $150

State Pageants - $250

National Pageants - $350