Rainbow Universe Pageants was created by our CEO and National Director Cicely Majeed who had nothing but the intentions to inspire and motivate youth to excellence. This is how RUP was born. What makes our system unique from all the others is we invite boys to compete as well as girls. We are connected with and partner with other youth organizations that house or serve troubled youth as well as the Juvenile Justice System and detention centers/juvenile hall to assist youth on probation or exiting out of a detention center or jail with rebuilding their lives through our pageant production program (this is our Diamonds 360 Strategy). In addition, we have a membership that becomes effective post pageant production and this is to further their personal development and keep them on a positive path as well as making sure they stay connected to our resources. Also, our innovation does not stop there. Our pageants are based on inner beauty which means we do not have a swimsuit competition nor do we allow our contestants to focus on the glitz and glam of external beauty. Lastly, we provide pre-pageant workshops to coach our contestants to self-esteem excellence and prepare them for their experience before, during and after competition. We are not aware of any other pageant system that does most of the above so we pride ourselves on our innovation and uniqueness.