We take pride in our superheroes that are committed to the roles or opportunities that they have signed up and registered for. Therefore, we encourage all superheroes to make sure they have checked and double checked their schedules to confirm that indeed they are ready, willing, able and available to serve for any event or need that we may have. Of course life happens and sometimes showing up for what you signed up for can be hindered by many different circumstances out of your control. In this case, we encourage you to immediately contact the Director you are volunteering for, the staff member you are volunteering for and the Event Coordinator of the event that you will be volunteering for. As soon as you know you will not be able to follow through on your commitment it is important that we are notified. We will treat you with the utmost respect and understanding no matter the reason or circumstance behind your absence. Once you sign up for an opportunity you will be supplied with all contact information of your supervisors or direct contacts. If for some reason you were not given that information you can send an email to 2serveu@angelicrainbowenterprises.com or call our main office line at 877-729-6294.