In lieu of my last announcement about putting our monthly pageants on hold until June, I have decided to prepare the launch of my special Rainbows With Wings program for re-entry youth ex-offenders that have been juvenile hall or some detention facility serving time for crimes they have committed. As most of you know I do not agree with locking teenagers or young adults up for crimes. I do not believe this is the proper way to handle their criminal behavior. Their brains are not fully developed so they do not have the executive function to make a sound decision as an adult with a fully developed prefrontal cortex does. This doesn’t mean that they are not capable of understanding what they have done, it just means they do not weigh consequences as an adult would and therefore may not process what they are about to do or what they have done as a serious act. I believe they need to be placed in a facility where they are rehabilitated, loved, and given the tools to manage their emotions when an emotionally charged situation should arise. Most people do not do this properly especially males and that causes them to act out in anger and harm themselves or others. For the most part, emotional intelligence and control, always seeing a sound way out of a situation and having the capability to weight pros and cons and consequences to make a logical and proper decision is what they need to be trained to do and proper and appropriate meditation is the answer with brain training. The Rainbows with Wings program will teach these processes and more and give youth ex-offenders an opportunity to express themselves through pageant productions. These pageants may or may not be aired and may or may not have an audience but they will be judged and the competition requirements and criteria will be modified to fit their needs and their special circumstances. I am already connected to law enforcement and juvenile facilities as well as other leaders to create a wrap-around team to assist these youth in rehabilitation, restitution, and rejuvenation….a complete 360 degree turn around. I will be partnering with probation officers that will contact me and my team to pick up probation youth and place them in a Rainbow home to train them and transform them over the course of a specified period of time. By the time they leave their home and finish their competition (win or no win) they will be well equipped emotionally and, in their body, mind and spirit to create the excellent lives they are destined to live without criminal behavior. It is my intention to launch this program before Summer so I will be working diligently with my new partners and connections to navigate the phases, plan a kickoff event, and then shortly thereafter we will be accepting youth into the program directly from their juvenile facilities. More information about this special program will be advertised via our TikTok social media platform and our YouTube social media platform in video format so stay tuned for that announcement. I believe it will be an awesome, fascinating and rewarding ride. These youth are a part of the future and that means they need to be ready to join other youth and move our planet forward…. with excellence and well-roundedness!!