FYI! I have been having many challenges lately with obtaining my branded sashes and crowns for my title winners due to COVID shipping issues, our brand colors being all 9 colors of the rainbow causes issues with printing to match our brand, and my crowns that are customized for each title winner can not always be made available when I want them to, and if I have a title winner out of state or out of the country it makes it even more challenging to obtain what I need to finalize and certify their win. Therefore, I have decided to hire an in-house Design Team which will be designing all of our sashes and crowns as well as branded merchandise like the bag I just gave away for last Thursdays giveaway and anything else with our logo or brand colors. This design team will be available to prepare all sashes and crowns and branded merchandise in advance so we do not have to worry about shipping issues or vendor issues, aesthetics, printing corrections or anything else externally. It will work so much better for business and my title winners will receive their full package shortly after they win a title and have signed the required paperwork to certify their win and confirm their reign. What this decision means is until I have a full design team on board to prepare sashes and crowns we will be putting monthly pageants on hold temporarily. I do not have an exact date when this will take place but you can anticipate early June when monthly pageants will continue and you will see our title winners wearing their sashes and crowns with our brand and logo shortly after they are announced. In the interim, if I should hire a new State or Preliminary Director or open a Franchise office somewhere other than our headquarters, they will certainly be directing and managing their own preliminary pageants and that includes monthly pageants so they will have the option in their area to run a monthly pageant without our full design team on board, especially if there are contestants in their state that are eager to compete for an RUP title. We will not turn them away. Our brand is unique and very special because it harmonizes with our mission to motivate youth to excellence and that is using the characteristics of each color of the rainbow: Red for Passion, Orange for Creativity, Yellow for Joy, Green for Balance, Blue for Peace, Indigo for Truth, Violet for Spirituality, Pink for Love and Tan for Stability.
These are the characteristics of God and my youth already have these characters within them and with the power of a pageant platform they have the ability, wisdom, knowledge and boldness to express these characteristics to create excellence in their lives. In addition, any current title winners, such as our Valentine winners will be crowned later and still receive their sashes and crowns if they choose to wait for them, otherwise they will have the option of choosing another title that fits their platform and personality currently open for competition. For questions about this change please contact me via email or via text @ 844-387-3799 (this is our campaign texting line so you must opt in if you desire a response). You can also reach me on social media as I post almost every day so I will receive your messages. Any interested parties with design skill or background that would like to be a part of my in-house Design Team you can apply by scanning the attached QR code and fill out the application (add In-House Design Team as the position you are applying for). I will get back to you within the same week you applied to set up an interview. By Friday this position will be on the Careers webpage with the option to do a video interview without an invitation (I will post that announcement once I have it up and live). Thanks for your patience, I know I am not the only business that is having shortage issues (freaking Starbucks has been out of my favorite Everything bagel for too long, argh….lol) or challenges with vendors because their logo or brand is so unique so I am with you if this is your issue too, I feel your irritation, but that’s business!