As a reminder we are temporarily closed until January 10, 2022 due to several changes for business which includes a new name (just an addition to what we already call Rainbow Universe Pageants), a complete website, membership launches, new staff, a new office, a new Rainbow Boutique, and more! So we thank you for your patience as our CEO Cicely Majeed prepares for our many changes and takes some time to celebrate this special holiday Christmas season. We are not available by phone but you can certainly leave a voicemail @ 877-810-7944 and we will return your call at our earliest convenience. We know it sucks that our website is not up and probably will not be live again until either the end of this month or in January but we still have a presence on social media and if you check out our Pinterest page here you will find pretty much all you need to know about RUP and get the info you need about what we are all about (that’s youth superstarts! Because they are our future)! In the meantime, you can also get your questions answered on our FAQ’s page here . If you have any questions about any of this just shoot me an email @, leave a vm or send a message on Facebook (we are not posting until January but the page is still up to view). Lastly, Cicely will be posting a year in review post for our viewers to remind you of the success and challenges we faced in 2021, a special Merry Christmas video and on January 3rd she will be posting our upcoming goals for 2022! So, stay tuned we have lots in store and we don’t want you to miss a ding dang thang…lol!
Business Temporary Closure! Print
Created by: Cicely Majeed
Modified on: Thu, 2 Dec, 2021 at 2:54 AM
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