FYI! Monthly mini pageants are now restricted to California residents only due to time constraints and very busy schedules. Photo shoots are not timely nor simplistic for out of state contestants and title winners. If you are interested in registering as a contestant for any of our monthly mini pageants and you live outside of California we will keep you in our database and notify you right away when we have hired a director or an RUP franchise has opened in your state. In the meantime, we invite you take advantage of all our other services and programs and especially our memberships (webpage will be live shortly) which will award you many benefits that all contestants have access to. And don't forget we have our National pageant in October so if you registered for a monthly pageant and you are out of state you get a spot automatically for Nationals at a discounted rate. Here is the breakdown for each pageant level:
Preliminaries - local city and town pageants in California
State - all youth residents of the state of California (North or South)
Nationals - any youth in any state in the United States
Unique and Specialty - all youth residents of the state of California (North and South)
This information will be reflected on our website on the "Pageants" webpage sometime this week. Sorry for any inconvenience this causes any of our youth clients or contestants!